Much like the Lana Del Rey song of the same title, I do in fact got that summertime, summertime sadness.
What’s the plan here? What are we doing? Summer is my favorite season of the year, as it is to many, but besides it being my birthday (July 3rd — make sure you write that down and don’t ever forget it) everyone is always in a great mood and high spirits. It’s very difficult to be down in the dumps when the sun is pounding down pumping straight vitamin D into you like an oil rig. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the fall/winter seasons as well — but I’ll save that for another post later in the year when timing is appropriate.
For now I am enjoying writing this on my patio, the green grass around me, the trees swaying in the wind, my iced coffee perspiring making a mess on the table but it’s keeping me refreshed, and my computer battery on red keeping me alert and anxious as I see how long I can go before I need to get the charger that’s oh-so-far inside.
For the past two summers I have been renting beach houses (more like shore shacks) on the Jersey shore with my friends that we abuse on the weekends. It upsets me thinking about how much fun it is — err, was — and how it won’t be the same this summer. Go down late Friday night after work from the city, wake up early Saturday and hit the beach all day, come back home, shower, eat, pre-game, and attack the night. UGH. We rented another, much bigger, house for this summer with way more guys and this was going to be a legendary summer. Like, this was going to be THE summer. The last hurrah if you will since we are getting up there in age and our bodies can’t handle the summer weekending anymore. Nor does it want to. It’s also just a big financial investment and as life continues your financial priorities change. Sigh — adulting.
Don’t you miss the summers where you had 0 priorities but hanging out with friends. Riding your bikes through town. Playing sports. Swimming at the town pool. Going to the beach. Back when we were all kings (and queens) of the summer.
We’re locked into this lease and we can’t get a refund unless something drastic comes down from the government. Talking to you Murphy, c’mon big guy lets make a statement and get my money back!
BRB need to get my charger!!!
We’re allowed to move in Memorial Day Weekend but with our new best friend COVID-19 lingering around I personally won’t be moving in or be around much. COVID was never a cool guy, always hated him. At first, I didn’t pay much attention to him as he was always just kind of there. He came here from abroad a few months ago and moved into the area so I didn’t get to know him personally until I recently came home. He started hanging around more and more, but I never got too close to him. Just something about him, I don’t know, he just always seemed to bring people down that were around him and some of them even disappeared forever. And no matter where you look he’s always there! It’s incredible, this guy is just everywhere and you can never get away from him. I never wish death upon anyone, that is way too harsh and like, karma; but COVID could go die. I said it and it doesn’t even pain me to say it. Look, I’ll even say it again: die COVID! Be gone you demon!
Sorry, lost my cool there for a second.
Anyway, as I was saying, I informed my summer roommates (all 15 of them) that I wont be entering the house, nor do I want to. I am currently back at home with my family and if I’m going back and forth between houses it will only increase the risk of exposure to the virus and exposing everyone else. No dice. So what I reasoned is I will make day trips and social distance on the beach so that I can still burn and shed my skin all summer long and convince myself it’s a tan.
This summer will be a wash. Just gotta make the most of it with what you got and however you can.
Heres to Summer ‘21!