Y’know what? I started out hating quarantine. It removed me from the city I love and tossed me back into the suburbs at my mothers. But now its become so customary that nothing phases me anymore. Sure I could be alone in my small-ass apartment. Sure I could be sleeping in my super comfy queen size bed. Sure I could be going on runs along the East River. Sure I could be talking to my friends on the phone out in the open. I could be doing all of that! But instead I am at my moms with my brother. I am sleeping in a twin size bed. I am running up and down hills in the neighborhood I grew up in. I am making calls in my room with door shut, or outside, or even in my car! But you know what the best part is?
Not spending money.
Mom gets groceries and supplies delivered to the house. She cooks and cleans (I help, don’t worry) and does all the small maintenance things that I would have to do if I were still in the city. I’m still paying rent and the minimal on utilities ConEd charges and I reduced our monthly internet fee from Spectrum, but I have saved quite a bit. And with that said, I am fully prepared to blow this savings on random girls in bars and on first dates that wont turn into seconds when this is all over.
Ahh, to be back in the bars. To attack the night. To get ready and have a classic male pregame with your roommate listening to loud music, drinking whatever alcohol you have leftover from the weekend before, showering at the last possible minute, wasting time figuring out what to wear (ending up wearing the same old outfit that you know fits well), and watching whatever sports are on at 10 pm on a weekend night. To text your friends (which feels like hours) trying to figure out when and where to meet up. And then FaceTime said friends cause no one answers your texts. Sick. But its all apart of the thrill!
I mean, yeah, everyone misses that and I know I’m not the only one. It’s so cliche and exhausting to talk about at this point. But being almost 2 months into quarantine, their’s been some pluses. Like I said, the savings of money, but I’m also doing things that I don’t frequently do, like hiking and running outside (because fuck cardio). No one can go to the gym so running has been a “fun” release from daily stress and gives me a reason to listen to music and get fresh air. Hiking is also not my thing, but I do it to socialize (from a distance) and get outside. Oh, and also so my Apple Watch stops telling me “You almost completed your goals! C’mon! Stand up!” making me feel like a piece of shit because I’ve spent 4 hours on the couch playing Call of Duty. I’ve also been connecting more with old friends that I wouldn’t talk to under normal circumstances. For the most part, everyone who has moved out is now back home under the care of their parents so it’s like we’re all in high school again. Talking to people you don’t normally talk to is funny cause everyone knows no one is doing anything so you really have 0 excuse not to answer a text but there’s also not much substance to any conversation because we’re all doing the same thing — sitting in our parents homes. I must say though, I have never gotten more Netflix recommendations in any period of time than I am now.
I haven’t delved into retail therapy (shockingly enough) besides a new rechargeable battery pack for my Xbox controller because essentials, duh. And because I was blowing through AA batteries. I’d say I havent been buying stuff because of #furloughlife and having no income. I’m trying to think of another reason why I haven’t bought anything but, yeah, that’s about it. Cash is king as my financial accounting professor used to preach, and cashflow I have none.
I don’t know, things could be worse. Could they? That just seems like the most positive thing people say nowadays. Things could always be much worse. But why even imagine what worse looks like? Murder hornets are making headlines in the news now so thats pretty awesome. I think that’s exactly what we needed at a time like this — murder. fucking. hornets.
Everyone misses the way life was, but quarantine has been a big self-reflection time. Like seeing your self-reflection at the bottom of your wine glass.
I’m writing blogs now in pursuit of a new career. Go figure! *refill glass*