First Post

Josh Mack
4 min readMay 1, 2020


Words. Thoughts. Thinking. Go. This song is good, maybe I’ll save it. Who is this artist? Oh, he has a song featured with Drake. Wait I know this guy! This song was in that movie. What movie was that? Shit. Stoppppp! We’re writing now.

This is cool. My own space to jot some ish down. So who am I? My name is Josh, I live in NYC with my roommate and I work at a media agency as a buyer. Why are you writing a blog? Haha nice question. I was recently furloughed thanks to the unstoppable force that is COVID-19. So you started a blog? Yo, let me continue..

Never fully knew what I wanted to do with my life. I have always been creative. I love writing. I love creating stories. I love observing people. I love advertising and marketing and consumer behavior; what makes a person buy something that they don’t know they “need”? I am extremely susceptible to ads targeted to me — its a disease almost. Ads follow you and follow you until you crave and convince yourself “Yeah, yup, I need this product. I needed this yesterday.” *click* Amazon Prime be there in 2 days sweet, thanks! Off topic (or on topic?) I minored in Marketing back in college, got a bs B.S. degree. First job was in finance which shipped me off for a 7-month training program in St. Louis and soon after I returned back to Jersey I quickly realized this is not for me. Had a cousin who worked at my first agency and thought it was a great foot in the door to the marketing world. Got the interview, crushed it, got the offer, took the job. I was a prestigious Local Activaton Media Buyer. Please, please, no pictures necessary! Pay was shit. But I made so many friends and connections that you can’t put a value on. Ended up leaving just short of my 2 year anniversary cause I decided I needed more money and was in the process of looking for apartments in NYC — not cheap. Also promotions were taking forever to process or else I probably wouldn’t have left. Whatever, everything happens for a reason. Took another job at another agency, where I currently work — err, furloughed — am I an employee? I don’t know. Where I currently reside, how’s that? Cool. Yeah, so took more money doing Network Audio buying. Same shit, different day.

But now with this new found time on my hands I decided to ask myself “what do I want to do?” I know media buying is not my endgame by any means. Like, at all. And not to say I’m sitting there a miserable schmuck. I’m not. But I know I don’t have a passion for what I’m doing and long term it will turn me into that miserable schmuck. No bueno.

Side note: the fact this site doesn’t auto-capitalize after a period is KILLING me.

So, the other night I’m watching the season finale of Lil Dicky’s show DAVE on FXX, and I’m a huge Dicky fan, I love his music. I find him hilarious and talented. Hilariously talented. We’re both Jewish (niceee) and I just think his story is totally inspiring. I knew he worked at an ad agency before he transitioned to rap. So I read his Wikipedia and saw he wrote copy for clients like the NBA. I start reading more into what writing copy entails and boom. Hit me. Nay, it smacked the shit out of me. Euphoria. Clarity. *ping* Lightbulb above my head? Nuh uh. I’m the I and the Pixar lamp jumps on me, squishing me. BIG IDEA TIME. Dude, you need to write copy.

Now, I currently work with copywriters for projects I work on but never fully paid attention to what they did. All I know is they produce the copy that I need for the client to approve rather quickly so I can then go back to the radio networks or streaming services and get it on the air.

I hop over to LinkedIn, I click the jobs button and I become a mad man looking for copywriting jobs all over Manhattan. Senior? Don’t care — click — send — easy apply — next. I sent to a bunch and what I noticed on the applications were sections titled *record scratch* Writing Samples. Writing samples? Hmm, don’t have those. Fuck it. I input N/A and clicked submit fully aware none of these companies were going to reach back out to me considering I have no copywriting experience nor do I have samples.

You’re probably putting all this together now, right? Nice. Good job!

Ha, so I go to bed. Next morning I get on Google and I research everything about copywriting and how to get started not having prior experience. I reached out to my HR rep about potential opportunities at our creative agency when all this is over. I read an article on here, Medium, about getting into copywriting and it was super inspiring. I contacted the author on Twitter. Slid into his DMs (niice) and he answered. Super awesome dude and gave me tons of tips on what to do.

Here I am. Writing posts. Fine tuning my craft. I think this will be cool though. Was never a pen and paper kinda guy. Hand cramps, neck hurts, back hurts, hunched over, just not good, not good at all — y’know? Going to try and write a post daily. Scroll through Twitter, news outlets, find shit going on I think is interesting and have thoughts on.

Let’s get to it..



Josh Mack
Josh Mack

Written by Josh Mack

just a guy doing life one day at a time

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